Sunday, May 31, 2015

13 Questions Tag!

We haven't done a GTKY Sunday in a while, so I figured what better way to break this unlucky streak of busy Sundays than with the 13 Questions tag, which has been a popular one on YouTube (for those unfamiliar with the concept of tags or tag videos, essentially what you do is answer a series of related questions about a specific topic...or in this case a totally random one).  Let's get started!

1. What is your favorite order at Starbucks?

I actually don't drink coffee, and never really have had a taste for it, so this is one of those questions I hang my head in shame on...however, I love a green tea, so I would probably go with that.  I'm also super intrigued by the new Smoothies, so that is the next thing I will be cornering the market on at Starbucks, but for now I will go with an iced green tea.

2. What's one thing in your closet you can't live without?

I become weirdly stagnant with my clothes, to the point where I shop for new items in my wardrobe once every couple of years, so in order to sustain this level of inflexibility, I have a LOT of items in my closet that I couldn't live without.  However, my favorite season is winter so I would go with my Ivy League sweatshirts-I have a large collection of sweatshirts from the college shops of Ivy League universities which I adore and get from relatives every Christmas.  This is a weirdly fun collection and one that I thoroughly enjoy.

3. What's one thing most people probably wouldn't know about you?

I am pretty open about my hobbies and interests (old movies, politics, and cute guys, for the record), so this is a hard one for me.  Usually, though, it's that I collect statues of gargoyles (which I promise isn't as creepy as it sounds), and they're littered throughout my house.  I have loved them since I was a teenager (it was not, oddly enough, stemming from the Disney Afternoon show Gargoyles as I was more of a Darkwing Duck child) and I get a new one every Halloween or so when Target comes out with their decorations.  I live alone and gargoyles are supposed to be protectors of the home, so I like the concept.

4. Name one thing that you want to do before you die.

I sincerely hope I get to do more than one thing, but I am a huge proponent of bucket lists and think that they are marvelous things, so I have a lot of items.  I'll randomly list off three: I would like to bring a guy home for Christmas one year, see a Russian ballet, and try oysters.

5. What's one food that you cannot live without?

Spaghetti.  I know people frequently get asked "if you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?" and they don't mean this, but I genuinely think that I would never get tired of eating spaghetti.  I have actually gone days in a row where I just ate spaghetti and still lurved it.  Turkey tacos and Ben & Jerry's are close runners-up, though.

6. What quote/phrase do you live by?

I have two, one my own making and one attributed to someone else.  My personal one is "God doesn't always open a window when he closes a door, but he'll usually give you a screwdriver to get through the air vent," meaning that there's always a solution to a problem, even if it's not easily accessible.  The second is Dian Fossey's "Dreams seldom materialize on their own," which I take as another quote about hard work and dedication, two things I like to pride myself on-if I want something I pursue it until it's done.

7. What do you like and dislike about the YouTube community?

Obviously most tag videos stem from YouTube (hence this question), but I adore YouTube and its weird little community of creators, so even if I don't make videos I will answer this question.  I think the thing I love is the camaraderie amongst the creators-because they aren't really competing against each other (it's not like television where they have a specific time slot), there's a lot more cross-promotion and celebration of success amongst creators, and you sort of get to know a specific group of people that frequently guest on each other's videos.  It's essentially the closest I come to loving reality television, but it doesn't have the nastiness associated with that term.  The things I dislike are prank videos (I get SO uncomfortable watching them-I hate pranks, they're so mean!) as well as the assumption that everyone watching these videos is a thirteen-year-old, as that is clearly not true (I haven't been 13 in a while and I have been on a Gleam Team bender this past weekend, with a particular focus on catching up on Sprinkle of Glitter videos).

8. What's your number one most listened to song on iTunes?

That would be "Jolene" by Dolly Parton, which kind of clobbers the competition by about 40 listens.  I could listen to this song on fact, I'm going to listen to it right now.

9. What kind of style would you define yourself as having?

I would describe it as..."functional and wishing I was in sweatpants."

10. Favorite Number

29!  For sure-this is my lucky number, and the reason 29 is in the title of this blog!

11. Two Hobbies

I mean, movies and blogging pretty much take up all of my hobby time in recent years.

12. Two Pet Peeves

I have written so frequently about pet peeves on this site it's sort of embarrassing and something I should really look at within myself, but there's always room for two more.  Off the top of my head, I'll go with when people force you to celebrate your birthday when you don't want to (I'm an adult, leave me alone if I don't want to celebrate my birthday, and no, this is not a time to insist I do it or for you to prod and try to figure out why I don't want to celebrate, that's my business, not yours) and when guys "forget" their wallet on a date, and then ask you out for a second date, and then blow you off, so essentially you just spent $20 on a first date and then they got your hopes up for a second (based on what THEY said), and then you totally feel used as a result.  I always say there are no guarantees after a first date, but if you have made plans and the person paid after the first date, you could at least text and say you're not interested, as that's pretty tacky otherwise (this may be a gay world only situation-I can never quite get a handle on Dutch treat and how straight couples handle first dates).

13. Guilty Pleasure

Vincent Prince movies, heist or caper films of any style, Ben & Jerry's, and anything related to Twilight.

There you have it-in the comments please give your own answers to these questions or sound off on one my answers!  Happy Sunday!

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