Wednesday, April 22, 2015

22 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

1. Make sure everything is unplugged in your house when you leave for work that you won't be using until you get back.
2. Ask a local business why they don't recycle.
3. Don't complain that it rained yesterday-we need rain to live, most of the country needs rain, and you're adding to the anti-science echo chamber.
4. Investigate how much water your normal food routine takes, and look into ways (like buying local) to cut down on this water.
5. Donate money to an environmental charity.
6. Walk somewhere that you would normally drive.
7. Figure out a way to cut down on how much mail you receive (online billing, getting off of mailing lists for junk mail you don't receive).
8. Tweet, text, facebook, insta, tumble, or just talk about how climate change is a threat to the world and it's something YOU care about.
9. Check your elected representatives' voting records on environmental issues, and if they are terrible, write and tell them that this isn't okay with you.  If they're great, write and tell them how much you appreciate their voting record and this will be a reason that you support them in the future.
10. Do a garbage check on your life-go through your daily routine, and remove at least one task that you use something you will throw away (like a water bottle or a coffee cup) and replace it with something reusable.
11. Investigate your local energy, heat, and gas providers and see what sustainable methods they are using.  Then compare it to another company and see what ideas your company should be using.  Then write the company and ask why they aren't using more sustainable methods.
12. Plan your meals better so that you aren't throwing away expired products, ever.  Wasted food is wasted water and energy.
13. Volunteer for a local cleanup project in your community.
14. Find out about an endangered plant or animal that lives in your section of the world, and figure out a way that you can work to make sure that that species doesn't disappear forever due to climate change, deforestation, or other human-caused factors.
15. Go to a local park, state park, or national park, and marvel at the wonder of nature.
16. Check your local recycling list for products that you can recycle-you might be surprised by a new item that you didn't know was recyclable.
17. Don't be cynical about environmentalism and ecology.  Cynicism is for lazy people who want credit for trying.  Actually do something.
18. Figure out if your local trash company accepts compostable versus trash/non-processable sort of trash, and if so, start sorting differently.
19. Have a night where you don't use electricity at your house. 
20. See Monkey Kingdom today or tomorrow and you will also be donating to charity...and seeing a nature documentary!
21. Take two minutes off your shower time.  Come on, you know you take too long in there.
22. There's 10,000 articles today about Earth Day.  Remember that the Earth deserves more than just a day.  Do these things year-round, and don't let the environment take a backseat in your thinking and your voting.

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