Saturday, September 22, 2012

Glee: Britney 2.0 (#4.2)

Where last we left off, Kurt and Rachel had been reunited, there were two new kids (little Puck and the "new Rachel," who needs a bit more character development, I gotta say, because I could not remember her character's name until they mentioned it about fifty minutes into the episode-Marley, apparently), and Kate Hudson was channeling Sue Sylvester, Season One, with slightly more flexibility.

This week, we were asked to return to the songs of Britney Spears, and that meant, thankfully, a return to the world of one Brittany S. Pearce, as created by the one-and-only Heather Morris.  While a show couldn't run off of Morris's character alone (she's too much of a cartoon to carry every episode), that doesn't mean that she's not deserving of a solo episode every once in a while.

I'm not sure how they convinced Britney Spears's reps to sign on for them to use her songs in an episode that largely made fun of the pop icon, but there's something to be said for the way they winked at nearly every travail that this wildly popular singer has endured in the last few years-paparazzi, lip-synching scandals, crazily obsessive fans, and of course, head-shaving.  It was pretty daring considering that she's headlining one of FOX's most "we-need-this-to-succeed" shows, The X Factor, but all press is good press, I guess.  Either way, I enjoyed the way that Morris was able to find a slight sense of strategy in her character toward the end, as she was plotting a comeback all along, and now we have a potential love interest for the bisexual Brit in Sam, her fellow dimwitted blond (though I'm going to be honest, I've long thought that Sam was going to be the show's resident bi guy-I'm sorry, but he and Blaine together seems like a solid pairing, perhaps even more so than Kurt and Blaine).

Elsewhere, Kate Hudson was off wreaking havoc on our poor Rachel Berry, and she had both her best friend Kurt's shoulder to complain upon, and setting up a solid love triangle, her new admirer Brody's well-sculpted shoulder to cling to as well.  While I think that Hudson's critiques were obviously over-the-top and wildly inappropriate, I can't say she wasn't exactly wrong-Lea Michele is obviously a lovely woman, but her character doesn't really scream sex appeal.  Cute, fun, talented, pretty-sure, but the sex appeal that someone like Hudson was bringing in her scenes-not really a strong suit of our dear Rachel.  That being said, this being a Ryan Murphy show, you can already start feeling the walls falling down between the two, and within a few weeks time, you just know that Hudson's going to be cheering on Rachel.

Other than that, I can't really recall too much, and gotta say I was a bigger fan of the first episode of the season.  The musical performances were not my favorite (Artie and Blaine probably did it best with "Boys/Boyfriend"), one of my least favorite characters did a little bit too much ACTING in capital letters (that'd be Mr. Schuester and his ridiculous tirade about lip-synching, which seemed wildly out of character for a man who has taken in stride his students getting each other pregnant, beating each other up, lying, cheating, and overall committing at least a half dozen felonies a year), and we had the whole Jake/Puck not-knowing each other drama ruined in the second episode.  Mark Salling better be being a prima donna about his contract and only wanted to star in two or three episodes this season, otherwise the build-up to that scene was completely ruined.  Think of how much more effective that scene would have been if we actually knew a little bit about this new, younger Puckerman.  That's about it, except that if Blaine and Sam must wear shirts throughout entire episodes, I will say that putting them in those black t-shirts is a worthy compromise in the costuming department.

What about you?  Are you excited for next week's episode's pairings: Blaine and Sam, Brittany and Artie, Kurt and Carrie Bradshaw?  Where do you wish they'd take Kate Hudson's character?  Are you already wishing for more personality from Jake and Marley, or are they doing just fine?  And since we got (too brief) glimpses of Santana and Puck, who do you hope shows up next week to fill the void-Finn, Mercedes, Quinn, or Mike?

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