Friday, October 01, 2021

It's Alive!!! Introducing Season 3 of Horror Movie Month!!!

It's October, and that means on our blog that we will be welcoming back one of my favorite seasonal series (if we're being real, our only seasonal series): Horror Movie Month!  We have done for two of the past three years (with a break in 2019 because my life was not conducive to such an undertaking) a month devoted entirely to me filling in the gaps of my monster movie-watching.  Much of this has been centered around the Universal Monster Movies (hence why Bela Lugosi is currently looking to suck your blood to the left), and that's what we're going to do again this year, but with a bit of a caveat.

In the past, we have done a mix of original monster movies, some missing horror classics, and a peak into the endless sequels that the Universal Monster movies entailed.  This is what we're going to do this year, though I will admit we only have one original monster movie left from Universal (if you look at the links below at all of the films we've watched for past seasons & know your stuff, you can guess which it is), so most of this year will be a mix of sequels & a couple of remaining horror classics from the era, stretching from the early 1920's all the way to the late 1950's.  We will be profiling 15 films in all, and ending on Halloween.

The caveat, though, is that this is the final season of our Horror Movie Month, at least in terms of focusing on Classical Hollywood.  By the end of this month, the primary reason I started this (the Universal Monster Movies) will be not only entirely seen, but we'll have reviewed every single picture from the classic run of these films on the blog (1931 to the mid-1950's).  I'm not retiring the series entirely, but if we do this again in 2022, we'll be doing it with a different era or genre of cinematic horror & trying to fill gaps from that time frame, rather than the chilling (but perhaps a bit tame by today's conversations) Golden Age.  But this year, we're all about the true horror films of yesteryear, so watch your neck, look behind you, and get ready to go bump in the night.  Mwahahahaha....

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