Thursday, August 05, 2021

I Guested on a Podcast-Come and Listen!!!

I realized the other day that while I talked about this on some other social media, I didn't bring this up on the blog-I made my debut on a podcast recently!  The Gilded Films podcast, which is one of my favorites, is a podcast devoted to looking back on past Oscar races, specifically for Best Picture, and it's a blast if you haven't checked it out (if you like our Oscar retrospectives or come here for old movie-related content, it needs to be queued up on your podcast station).  I was invited for an episode about 1938, which was a treat because I love talking about Golden Age Hollywood (I have been working on this blog for almost ten years solely so I'd have these conversations), and so we discussed Alice Faye, Jean Renoir, Spencer Tracy & the pictured Bette Davis...some really big, incredible cinematic icons of that era.  I'd love it if you could listen to the podcast (the link to our episode is here, though you can find it wherever you find your podcasts)-it's a two-parter, so I'll be posting when the second episode is up, but it means a lot & thank you for making The Many Rantings of John part of your day!

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