Friday, August 10, 2012

Olympic Image(s) of the Day: Day 14

We are sadly almost at the end of the Olympics, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of excellence to celebrate.  You will notice the lack of Usian Bolt, and that's primarily because I wasn't a fan last night-yes, he's one of the greatest athletes in history, and yes, an amazing story of these and the Beijing games, but had he not been grandstanding, he would have broken another world record last night.  When you're fighting for Olympic gold, it's not just that you win, it's that you do the best that you possibly can while the world is watching, and putting number one up while you're still racing is just bragging, not accomplishing.

The perfect example of giving it your all was Manteo Mitchell in the Men's 4x400 meter, who broke his leg!!! and yet still managed to not only finish in 46.1 seconds, but also to get the United States through to the finals.

And of course, if you wanted your requisite amount of tears, you had to enjoy Ashton Eaton hugging his mom after being crowned the "World's Greatest Athlete," winning the gold medal in the decathalon, a two-day event so grueling most people wouldn't be able to complete it if they were given a month and unlimited time to finish the race.

And finally, this was not yesterday, I'm aware, but I just wanted to chime in on the whole Lolo Jones controversy.  The reality is that, yes, Lolo Jones didn't medal, and yes, there were expectations that she would.  But the media seems to be eviscerating her for no reason-she's still the fourth best in the world, and to call her the "Anna Kournikova of track" is completely unfair-she's a two-time world champion in the 60 meter hurdles, and holds the American record.  The only reason Kournikova has a Grand Slam title is because almost anyone could win a tournament if Martina Hingis was your partner.

But that isn't to take away from Kellie Wells and Dawn Harper, who ran an incredible race, and took the bronze and silver, respectively.  So I'm including all three of these amazing athletes today.  If you have an opinion, there's a comments section-we'd love to hear from you!

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