Monday, January 16, 2006

Golden Globes Thoughts

Favorite Quips:

"What kind of parent names their kid Jack when they have off in their last name?"-George Clooney

"Oh my god, I don't remember any of your names." -Sandra Oh (didn't you love Reese helping her to the stage?)

"Well, that didn't actually happen."-Geena Davis (funniest moment of the night)

The whole hot flash speech-S. Epatha Merkerson

"I'd like to thank my typewriter." -Larry McMurtry

Best Dressed: Queen Latifah and Scarlett Johansson

Worst Dressed: Drew Barrymore and Adrien Brody

Nicest win:
1. Rachel Weisz-I, at least, was surprised, and pleasantly so.
2. Reese Witherspoon-She's so adorable.

Why, oh why?:
1 (and only-I didn't mind most of the winners-even the ones who I didn't particularly want I wasn't adamently against). Phillip Seymour Hoffman-Heath Ledger should have that trophy (well, anyone nominated in this category aside from Hoffman deserved this); this fixes it-he's this year's Hilary Swank.

Interesting Notes:
For the second year in a row, the Golden Globe Winner for Best Song won't be nominated at the Oscars-last year this meant that there was an upset-hopefully that will occur again this year.

John Williams won his first Golden Globe in twenty three years (last time was for E.T.)-every time that he has won the Globe, he has gone to win the Oscar.

What it means for the Awards:
Phillip Seymour Hoffman now has the Oscar locked up (and I couldn't be more bummed-the best performance of last year lost to the most overrated performance at the Oscars-this year, it looks set to repeat itself).

I personally think that Felicity Huffman may be a tougher shot at the Oscar than most people realize-her speech was better, imo, than Reese's tonight, and Oscar doesn't always like being told to crown someone-plus the uglification trend could continue.

I think Michelle Williams may be the loser who gained the most tonight-Ledger lost, she looks like the only actor to gain from Brokeback-I could see her taking out Rachel Weisz ala Portman/Blanchett last year.

George Clooney is the new King of Hollywood-all hail!

And finally, a numbers question: who got more thank yous, Ang Lee or Steve Carrell's wife?

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