Sunday, February 16, 2014

Olympics Images of the Day: Days 9 & 10

I've been watching every second, even if I haven't been blogging it all (lots of unexpectedness this weekend kept me from tackling 95% of my To Do list).  Here are some highlights from the weekend:

America's new favorite human being, TJ Oshie, helped carry the United States to a stunning shootout victory over the Russians.  I watched almost the entire game, and I have to say-an absolute nail-biting and sublime piece of athletics.

American skeletoner Nicole Pikus Pace, also known as the nicest person ever (did you see the videos of her with her family-adorable) took home a silver medal at her final Olympics.  From her exuberant reaction, it was certainly good as gold.

No, he didn't win a gold medal...or a silver or a bronze.  But skeletoner John Daly looks like a greek god crossed with the boy next door with a pinch of a Ken doll, so you know, he's already better off than all of us.

Here's one more of him:

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