Friday, February 14, 2014

Olympic Images of the Day: Days 7 & 8

My eyes are starting to look like Bob Costas's (is it possible to catch an infection through the television?) after what was a painfully long week.  However, there are Olympians that certainly have worked harder than me, and we must recognize them!

In a fantastic-to-watch tie, Tina Maze of Slovenia and Dominique Gisin of Switzerland tied in women's Alpine Skiing.  This is particularly exciting for Slovenia, who enjoyed their first Winter Olympic gold with this victory (ever!).

For only the third time in Winter Olympic history, the Americans swept an event.  Joss Christensen Gus Kenworthy, and Nicholas Goepper took gold, silver, and bronze (respectively) in the men's ski slopestyle in an incredible performance that helped catch the US up in the medal count.  Also, what sort of conditioner do you think I would need to use to have Nicholas Goepper's hair, because that is something I want to sign up for?

And finally, I know that it didn't have the jaw-dropping appeal of Jeremy Abbott recovering from his quad or Evgeni Plushenko retiring on the ice, but I just like Patrick Chan of Canada better and think he's adorable, and so he gets my last picture.  It's my blog, it's Friday, and I'm doing what I want! :)

Those are my bratty thoughts coming out of the Olympics-did you have a favorite moment over the past two days-are you ready for wall-to-wall hockey coverage and (soon) the instant celebrity that is about to be bestowed on Gracie Gold and/or Ashley Wagner if they get in medal contention?

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