Sunday, February 09, 2014

Olympic Images of the Day: Day 2 & 3

I had a fun day out on the town yesterday (caught the animated short nominees-more on that later!), but first, we have to get to some of the great Olympic images of the past two days (am love, love, loving this Olympics just as much as I always do).

The agony of defeat...such a cool concept that didn't quite get there (though I hear that in Russia they showed a shot from rehearsal so it did in fact work).

The thrill of victory...nothing quite beat the elegance of that Olympic flame, outdoors and amidst all the beautiful, snowy landscape.

Sage Kotsenburg, one really chill dude (I'm not 100% feeling the "hey man" attitude of the snowboarders quite yet, but I'll get there), blew away the competition in one of the biggest nail-biters (for me) of the game so far, winning the first American gold of the game in the Slopestyle.

More tonight (and possibly another photo of Charlie & Meryl, my two new beloveds that I'm afraid to Google search for since they may compete today and I had an issue with that yesterday with the ten-hour difference and my aversion to spoilers), but what's been your favorite moment of the Games so far?

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