Sunday, September 29, 2013

Top Ten Shows I Should Be Watching (But Am Not)

Tonight, the rest of the internet is about to explode with talk about the Breaking Bad series finale, and I'll be the first to admit I feel left out.  This is a show that under normal circumstances I would be obsessed with: it's on cable, it's a drama, it's filled with multi-season plots, it has an antihero protagonist, and it's a critical darling.  I love everything about it, but for some reason I never watched the show.

We all have that show, though, that we're certain we'd love if we gave it a shot, but for some reason never get around to watching.  Every Friday at breakfast my coworkers will discuss upcoming or recently aired television and without fail, someone (occasionally me) will say something along the lines of "I really need to start that show."  Even with the myriad of ways to get entertainment, there's always movies, television, books, theater, and restaurants that we just never get around to because there isn't time to do it all.  It's a cold, hard fact of life, and it's super depressing, but true.

But recently I've been doing the math and may dive into Netflix Instant again (it's gotten a LOT better since I cancelled my subscription) and in weighing the pro's and con's, I decided to make a list.  Below are the ten shows that I most wish I was watching, and haven't given into yet; we'll stick to only shows that are currently still on the air, though a list of shows that have finished their runs that I want to see will probably be coming later this week.

10. Louie (FX)
Number of Seasons I'm Behind: 3
Reason I Never Started: I know this is going to make me sound like an ignoramus, but standup comedy is one of my entertainment blind spots and aside from recognizing him from Parks and Rec I had never really heard of Louis CK before he broke out with this series.
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: This was the only Comedy Series nominated for the top Emmy last year that I don't watch.
Reason I'm Sure I'd Love It: Since his rise to fame, I have perused C.K's standup comedy and interviews, and he's delightful.  His SNL show was a joy and anyone that can give my beloved Melissa Leo such a plum role (I did see her clip) deserves a viewing.
Odds I'll Ever Give It a Shot: Solid-I usually cruise through comedies pretty quickly, and the seasons are cable series long.

9. Scandal (ABC)
Number of Seasons I'm Behind: 2
Reason I Never Started: About the only thing I can think of is the Shonda Rhimes factor-I am not a devotee of Grey's or Private Practice either.
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: As someone who is persistently harping about Hollywood's horrible record with hiring women of color for leading roles, I'm disappointed in myself that ABC actually has a genuine hit with an African-American woman and I'm not watching.
Reason I'm Sure I'd Love It: Political drama is catnip to me, and I adore Kerry Washington.
Odds I'll Ever Give it a Shot: 50/50.  If I join Netflix instant, all bets are off, as I love television and am perfectly content with binge viewing, even if I enjoy traditional viewing better (I've talked about the reasons why here).  However, the seasons are longer than the rest of the series in this list and what I have seen of Grey's I haven't really enjoyed.

8. Homeland (Showtime)
Number of Seasons I'm Behind: 2 (but three is starting tomorrow)
Reason I Never Started: I don't think I was getting Showtime when this started, so this is the rare solid excuse.  But I get it now and I have Showtime On Demand (or whatever their version of HBO Go is), so the excuses are running thin.
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: Seeing Homeland take the Emmy last year.  I HATE being left out of a major cultural event like that-missing the top Emmy nominees drives me crazy (in a similar way to not having seen a Best Picture nominee on Oscar nomination morning also drives me bonkers).
Reason I'm Sure I'd Love It: I'm actually not certain I would-no one in the cast really calls out to me in an obvious way.  But I feel like I should at least give it a shot, considering the acclaim the series has gathered.
Odds I'll Ever Give it a Shot: Not super.  I am still weighing whether I'm keeping Showtime (since I don't currently watch anything on the channel, even though I like having the option), and Homeland doesn't appear to be on Netflix Instant (someone correct me in the comments if I'm wrong).

7. Justified (FX)
Number of Seasons I'm Behind: 4
Reason I Never Started: I only recently jumped onto the FX train.  I have to come to find that they're a crasser, less prestigious HBO, but teaming with quality (even if I hate FXX).
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: Margo Martindale, one of the best working character actors, having the performance of her career and me not being there to recognize it.
Reason I'm Sure I'd Love It: Timothy Olyphant, Jeremy Davies, Walter Goggins, Margo Martindale-how could you not?
Odds I'll Ever Give it a Shot: Weak, for a couple of reasons.  From what I can tell, it's not available on Netflix Instant (again, comments section people or Netflix employees googling their company-Netflix isn't super user friendly until you're an actual user, and the more shows that are available, the more likely I'll join it and start Bechdel-ing or writing about the series, so wins for all!).  And with four seasons, that's a lot to catch up on through Netflix DVD's in the mail (I like to save the envelopes for movies) or buying the DVD's when they're on sale at Target.

6. The Newsroom (HBO)
Number of Seasons I'm Behind: 2
Reason I Never Started: The reviews were not kind when this show premiered, and I had a fairly full plate at the time.  The second season has gotten better reviews, which is heartening.
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: It's the only major series on HBO I don't watch aside from True Blood (which looks like it got terrible)-I like to be a completist.
Reason I'm Sured I'd Love It: Aaron Sorkin's name on a project regularly sparks my interest, and as a longtime voter for Jed Bartlett, the fact that he has a hit show again and I don't watch bugs the crap out of me.
Odds I'll Ever Give It a Shot: Really strong.  I'll probably catch this before they start the next season.

5. The Americans (FX)
Number of Seasons I'm Behind: 1
Reason I Never Started: I get a little bit nervous when shows look interesting to me but I'm afraid will bomb.  I was once burned by Pushing Daisies and am a little remote control-shy since.
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: That a show I almost started watching from the beginning became a hit and I wasn't there to claim I watched it from the beginning (this admission is a bit narcissistic, I'm aware).
Reason I'm Sure I'd Love It: A critically-acclaimed period drama starring two actors I really like but who are frequently miscast and I'm always disappointed that I don't get to see them in something stronger?  Always a good thing!
Odds I'll Ever Give it a Shot: Another show that doesn't seem like it's on Netflix Instant, but I kind of want to say it's on my DirecTV On Demand.  Either way-I might just buy the first season.  This is a show I want to give a try.  Probably before January.

4. Downton Abbey (PBS)
Number of Seasons I'm Behind: 4
Reason I Never Started: I didn't know it was on because otherwise Maggie Smith would have got me there.  Plus, let's all remember that no one expected this to be the freak hit that it was, so keep the judgmental glares for some of the other shows on this list.
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: Almost everyone I know watches this show.  I cannot even begin to tell you how often I hear about how I should watch this show-easily more than every show on this list combined.
Reason I'm Sure I'd Love It: Period costume soap opera with an Oscar-winning actress at its center?  Bloody awesome.
Odds I'll Ever Give it a Shot: I avoid spoilers like the plague, as I've said before, but unlike the other shows on this list, I think I know every major spoiler regarding this series, so I'm less inclined to give it a shot.  Plus, another show that is questionable for Netflix Instant.

3. House of Cards (Netflix)
Number of Seasons I'm Behind: 1
Reason I Never Started: Ha!  An actual reason-I don't have Netflix Instant!
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: I've gotten so into the concept of original online programming in the past year with my YouTube fascination, but I haven't experienced the Grand Teton of original programming: Netflix.  The fact that it was the first online-only show to score an Emmy Drama Series nomination only sticks the knife in deeper.
Reason I'm Sure I'd Love It: Washington power games and Kevin Spacey as a villain-yes sir!
Odds I'll Ever Give it a Shot: If I get Netflix Instant, it's a done deal.  If not, it's still a pretty good bet-the cast looks scrumptious and I am kind of on the hunt for another drama.

2. Orange is the New Black (Netflix)
Number of Seasons I'm Behind: 1
Reason I Never Started: Again, no Netflix Instant.  Plus, unlike House of Cards and Arrested Development, this series seemed to come relatively out of nowhere as a critical and cultural event.  As a result, more than those two series (which relied on an ardent fanbase and an Oscar winner), this series really showed Netflix as a power to be reckoned with.
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: I'm going to be at least one season behind again on a hip young show that I'm certain to love (see also Lena Dunham and Girls, which I DO watch, though didn't during its first season).
Reason I'm Sure I'd Love It: An ensemble dramedy with a primarily female cast?  I'm there.  Plus, with many of my regular sitcoms going off of the air either in the past or upcoming year, I need to start finding new shows to become involved with (another aspect of this exercise).
Odds I'll Ever Give it a Shot: Really, really strong (it might already be in my Netflix queue for discs).  If I watch Netflix Instant, it's likely the first show I investigate.

1. Breaking Bad (AMC)-I'm aware this is anticlimactic, but there's really no other choice.
Number of Season I'm Behind: 5
Reason I Never Started: No one really watched the show the first season, and it didn't catch me as strongly as Mad Men did.
Most Embarrassing Thing About Not Watching: Getting left out of the cultural phenomenon that is going to happen tonight on social media and around the Internet.
Reason I'm Sure I'd Love It: As I said above, it's on cable, it's a drama, it's filled with multi-season plots, it has an antihero protagonist, and it's a critical darling.
Odds I'll Ever Give it a Shot: Dicey.  I don't like watching series after they've fully run (no one wants to talk about them anymore, and that's a lot of the fun of television).  If I haven't seen it before year-end (when I give out my own personal awards for film and TV) or by next year's Emmys (the last significant cultural event Breaking Bad will be a part of), this goes from iffy to almost no chance.

And those are the shows I'm ashamed to say I don't watch.  Do you have any (I know you do!)?  If so, share in the comments.  Also, which of these shows should I investigate (let's keep everything spoiler free, people)?  I promise that if I get any sort of consensus in the comments I will give the show a shot and do a Bechdel Test write-up on the first season (incentive!).  Please share!

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