Sunday, March 17, 2013

Glee: Girls (and Boys) on Film (#4.15)

After a weekend of kicking off a new feature (check out Ranting On...), and adding two more OVP movies to the lineup, don't think I've forgotten that I'm two weeks behind on Glee recaps.  Here, we're going to enjoy back-to-back live watch blogs of both episodes, starting with this, the 500th musical performance.  Where last we left off, Will was abandoned at the alter, literally everyone on the show hooked up, Rachel might have been pregnant, and a reunion could be in order for Kurt and Blaine.  And that's what you missed on...Glee!

Will and Emma are doing their best Fred Astaire in Royal Wedding.  Adorable-though not the Oscar-nominated song from that flick.

That really was not a great Nic Cage impression Sam-I gotta admit it.  And Kitty gets perhaps the best bitchy line of the night, and we're only two minutes in, "you don't get dibs on Les Miz just because you are the poster," to Marley-snap.  And kudos to Sugar for her line as well "we should do The Artist so we don't have to sing."  At some point, they have to give Sugar a plot line again.

We live in a hugely digital age and you work in the same building-it can't be that hard to find Emma, Will-isn't it weird that the two of you have no mutual adult friends?  And I agree with Finn-it's time for you to take action.  And also, I have trouble believing that a bunch of 18-year-olds have heard of The Crying Game and Stand and Deliver.

"Wind Beneath My Wings," by Beaches?  They should just start having Marley dress as Debbie Downer and make it complete.

"Shout," seems like a solid choice for the 500th song, but couldn't they have found a reason to bring back Rachel, Santana, and Kurt to also get to join in on such a historic performance?  And with his manic dancing, Darren Criss keeps getting more adorable-proving that the impossible is possible.

Are you serious?  Why would you not want Santana everywhere you live?  Did I miss something on the pregnancy thing-does Santana know or was that just a winking coincidence?  And it's a movie show, so they had to get the requisite John Hughes callout there (with yet another movie I suspect people the character's ages wouldn't know, though it's Kurt, so I'm going to let that one slide, as he's always been pretty up-to-snuff with his pop culture references).  Not to be rude, but at some point television producers need to pick another director to hero-worship.

Blaine and Kurt montage to Moulin Rouge!-get out of my dreams and get Darren Criss into my car, Ryan Murphy, as I'm fairly certain I had this on my Christmas list (except I was played by Kurt and it was slightly less G-rated).  And while they're having their cinematic moment, can I just acknowledge the hypocrisy on Kurt's part hiding that he and Blaine cheated while he's still dating the British dude (name to be determined at some point).  Please tell me someone's going to point that out?

Lars and the Real Boy?  Classic.

So, they're going to be going with Brody as a drug-dealer instead of a prostitute?  Slightly less intriguing possibility-I think they've already done the drug story, and if they are going to heavy drugs, shouldn't it be with someone we have a more important connection with like Rachel or Quinn?

Red hair club...umm, we're just not going to talk until the commercial.  And does anyone else always think of Donny Most and the bit they did on Family Guy rather than his Happy Days time?  Though I do like when they throw a splash on reality-you're supposed to figure that out when you're a Junior.

Kurt and Santana on the same side-perfect.

I think this show may have become just a platform to put Darren Criss in sexy costumes.  Air pilot-awesome.  And Sam, Ryder, and Jake in their Risky Business best-I need a...commercial break.  Yeah.  A cold shower commercial break.

For the record, Will would be completely get fired for letting his students parade around in their underwear, even if they are all in their twenties in real life.  And I hate that they always have the "I Like Boys" t-shirt worn by a girl in the advertisements, as that totally defeats the original purpose of the t-shirt when Kurt wore it.

Marley, you kind of deserve whatever is coming for confessing to your archnemesis Kitty that you kissed Ryder.  I mean, who does that?

Isn't this number kicking Smash and its plummeting ratings while they're very, very down?  And another Moulin Rouge! number?  What a coincidence that seems incredibly unlikely since these characters were in elementary school when this movie came out.  And the boys win for not totally ripping off another movie's mashup.

Doesn't Will teach Spanish?  Why are they watching Lincoln?

Hasn't this Say Anything thing been done to death?  Please, there must be another movie to spoof at this point.  I know that John Cusack hasn't done much of worth since then (except The Grifters, but that was all about the Huston and Bening), but come on, do we need to keep pulling out this cliche?

Wait, I think I just fell asleep-did Will and Emma break up or get back together?

A real moment between Santana and Rachel-no jokes.  Just sad about where this story is going to head.

Okay, Ghost is not my favorite movie by a longshot, but "Unchained Melody" is easily my favorite song of all time, so again, no jokes, just enjoy.

The lip-synching was off on that song, but that song always makes me cry.  I am bound and determined to fall in love to that song.  2013: Year of John...or Penny!  And no one in the world can hit that note like Bobby Hatfield, so it's okay they didn't even try.

I agree with Blaine-why did everyone win?  That sucks-this is the reason I can't stand Will.  He's such a wimp-just declare one of them the winner (in this case the boys).  Has anyone ever won one of these boy/girl competitions?

So Finn confesses, and Will just walks away.  Kind of saw that coming.

And they end with yet another movie to the 1980's-Ryan Murphy, Seth MacFarlane, and a thousand other show-runners, you are aware that film hits its nadir, not its zenith during the Reagan era, right?  The show ends with Jake looking longingly at Ryder.  And we'll be back in about an hour with the next installment of...Glee!

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