Sunday, March 17, 2013

Glee: Feud (#4.16)

I love that the Glee kids just gave Will and Finn an assignment-it shows who is actually in charge here. They're feuding, and have to sing a rival song to make up their differences.  Novel concept-I'm excited where this theme takes us, mashup-wise.

And Rachel isn't pregnant-whew!  Though I suspect this means that her boy toy is about to be outed as a gigolo.

And I am right-he's definitely a prostitute.  Or else he's taking part in a bizarre flashmob in a hotel.  And anyone else notice that every single one of these "clients" are very attractive?

Blaine's middle name is Devon?  Love it-too cute.  And that may be the first Sue line I've laughed at all season-"Lance Bass, RuPaul?"

This girl is most definitely not a girl named Katie.  The question is it Wade, Kitty, or Jake?  It's one of the three though.  Glee never found a trend it couldn't jump on, and catfishing is very hot right now...

Umm, Matthew Morrison-you cannot pull off tough guy.  Cory Monteith could wipe the floor with you.

Rachel, sweetheart, if a cater waiter could make $1200 in that short of a time, there would be more of them living in the Upper East and not in Weehawken.

OMG-best line reading of the night, after seeing the "Blaine is on the bottom" banner-"it's not even true...well, not really."

No, Marley, Jake doesn't trust you, honestly, because you totally cheated on him.  It takes two to make out.

Elton John and Madonna for our first feud, and unlike Will, I'm going to pick winners in each song (Ryder vs. Wade).  And I have to point out the irony in singing Elton John in a story that seems to be turning into another GLBT-phobia story.  Ryder wins vocally, but since he's being painted into the bigoted corner, Ryan Murphy clearly wants us to pick Wade.  And I hate to point out inconsistency on Glee (that's like pointing out the calories in a Cadbury egg), but if you look at the last episode, Wade and Ryder totally danced together in the "Footloose" number, making this feud completely unrealistic.  But I am 100% convinced that Wade is Katie now.

Paula Abdul and Santana-together in crazy heaven.

Ha ha-too funny. Will discusses doing Tupac and Biggie, but decides instead to do 'N Sync vs. the Backstreet Boys.  Oh god, someone in the writing room really hates Matthew Morrison.  And while 'N Sync was my favorite of the two in real life, the BBs took this one.

I love the disgust in Kurt's voice when he said "Paula Abdul song."  And any call-out for Lena Dunham is worthy of another Golden Globe, so brava (lurve that girl).

"Pretty sure she just stole my comforter." "Bitch just took my pillow"  Classic.

Sending shirtless pics-how many girls ask that in an IM conversation?  Catfish, catfish, catfish!

The locker freak-out was a bit pathetic, but Jane Lynch most definitely deserved to win that mashup.

Kitty seems to be officially coming around to being a Quinn-type, which means she could also be the catfish.  Either way, glad she's starting to come around, cause my love/hate relationship with her is losing the hate steadily.

Seriously-opening a scene with a shot of Blaine's butt?  Does Darren Criss have an objectification clause in his contract or something?  I mean, there are worse things for me to see, but still.

Does the Glee club have a contract with Delta or something?  How can everyone afford all these trips to NYC?

Wow, so we're getting an actual fight now?  See, I told you that Cory Monteith would win that fight.

And that's where we leave it-it's either Jake or Wade on the other end of that catfish, and my hunch based on the previews is that it's now Jake, rather than Wade.  And also, Sam and Blaine?  Is this really happening?!?  I can't wait to see...Glee!

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