Sunday, May 31, 2020

Previously, in 2005

2005: A Look Back

We are going to head right back into the Oscar Viewing Project with a new season (I've actually got three years on deck right now, and by the time you read this, possibly a fourth, so we are nonstop for the rest of the year with OVP ballots).  We are for this year going further back than even when this blog was being written, with our oldest OVP Ballot; it is also our first year to not be bookending our other years-I finished 2005 before I did 2006, so it'll probably be around late December when we finally hit 2006.  In the meantime, think back to a time of Hurricane Katrina, soaring oil prices, and apparently a reminder that Trump isn't the only disastrous Republican president of this century.  And of course, remember the movies...

Box Office

This is what the Top 10 at the (Domestic) Box Office looked like:

1. Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith
2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
3. War of the Worlds
4. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
5. Wedding Crashers
6. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
7. Batman Begins
8. Madagascar
9. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
10. Hitch

I am suddenly reminded of the fact that I was not only in college in 2005, but was the film critic for my school paper, and so I saw all of these.  Of the 18 movies that made over $100 million in 2005, the only one I missed was Robots (the animated film), which I'm feeling relatively confident I didn't miss much of (random aside-I have seen The Pacifier more times than I can count because they played it in the Wal-Mart cafe I worked at that summer).  Oscar's Box Office was a bit sluggish this year-not a single Best Picture nominee broke $100 million and conceivably the only one that came somewhat close would be King Kong.

The Films I Missed

While I've seen all of the Oscar nominees, I haven't seen every film in 2005.  In addition to Robots, I missed a couple of films that got cited by precursors.  Looking at the Globes, they found room for The Matador, Breakfast on Pluto, and The Producers, while BAFTA issued citations to Kung Fu Hustle and The Beat That Skipped My Heart.  Other than maybe The Beat That Skipped y Heart, I don't know that I'll see any of these pictures unless you think one is particularly great.  Share your thoughts in the comments, and then this week get ready to kick off installment eleven of our Oscar Viewing Project!

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