Monday, November 04, 2013

American Horror Story: Fearful Pranks Ensue (#3.4)

Right on schedule, we have a few mysteries solved and a few more to play with this week, primarily Fiona Goode's insistent question toward the end of the episode, "who do you think is the new Supreme?"

Hi, it's John, only five days late this week with the recap (I've been trying to get through eight movies in a weekend, and failing at that, but I did go to a Halloween party as Marlon Brando in The Wild One, so you know-movies!), and can we all just go with the best new development of the season and easily my favorite moment of the episode-Cordelia telling a stunned Fiona that Madison had health issues and therefore couldn't possibly be the next Supreme.  So the question becomes-who is?  Is it Cordelia, taking over for her mother?  Is it Nan, who has some pretty strong gifts and might be the underdog we'll end up rooting for later in this season?  Was it Misty Day, off in the wilderness (did you know Lily Rabe's mother is Jill Clayburgh-random fact of the day)?  Or was it in fact Madison, and Cordelia, sensing that her mother was about to be thrown to the wolves and she might go with her, decided to make up a lie about her?

Whomever it is, this has me more intrigued than anything the series has dished out before, and almost making me want to re-watch the previous three episodes for easter eggs giving us a hint at which girl was in fact in "perfect health."  This episode also gave us a lot more information regarding our two as yet unknown above-the-line characters: Frances Conroy's Myrtle Snow and Denis O'Hare's Spalding.  Both characters clearly have obsessed over Fiona for decades-Spalding as an impassioned and psychotic admirer, Myrtle as a jealous one-time rival who had to settle for second place.  The entire investigation scene (complete with a cameo from Beverly Leslie and an hilariously inappropriate series of one-liners from Queenie) was terrific, with Fiona dropping bon mots like flies and Myrtle going pretty frequently to crazy town.

Angela Bassett's Marie Leveau got some particularly bad news this week, with the Minotaur attacking Queenie (after their interesting looking romp in the greenhouse) and then Fiona sent the Minotaur's head to her in a box (while Marie was giving away money to a random woman-general act of kindness or perhaps one of the never-aging Marie's children?).  Anyway, like all of us when we're depressed, she decided to cut up a few snakes and cover her floor with white chalk drawings, which brought back the dead (a recurring theme on this show, and perhaps this is a hint already to the next season of the show?).

I ask that because, aside from the Madison reveal, the single most exhilarating moment of the episode was the return of Tate Langdon.  No, we didn't get another homicidal fit from Kyle (did Evan Peters workout wildly this past hiatus, or what is going on to make him look so jacked?), but we did literally get the return of Tate's skeleton costume (from the school shooting scene of Murder House).  Is anyone hoping and praying, considering next season is purportedly the last for Jessica Lange on the series, that we'll return to the original cast and characters?  Considering that the ratings for Hostages are abysmal, the only missing link would be Connie Britton with her Nashville work, and she could probably stop in for a couple of episodes during a few week-long hiatuses.  Just saying...

The Zoe and Kyle story (I think this is the first time I haven't had to look up Farmiga's character's name) continues to be a dud, with Zoe apparently deciding to kill Kyle, and Kyle smartly escaping into the Halloween night, where a hot, bloody frat guy can blend in without a care (though he had no idea what was going on with his good fortune).  Until Lily Rabe returns or we get some sort of indication that the writers are going to give a better plot to the way-too-good-for-this Farmiga and Peters, I'm not mentioning this story again.

In the biggest come-out-of-nowhere category of them all, we learned more about Hank, Cordelia's pretty generic hot-guy husband, who is cheating with Alexandra Breckenridge (natch, especially on AHS) and is into rough sex (again, natch for AHS).  What I truly didn't see coming was the gunshot to the head (WTF?!? was literally shouted out loud), though that's probably less painful that spending your days on a Thomas Kinkade chatroom.  Seriously-this opens up a whole can of worms I was not expecting-I figured Hank was just a piece of man candy that would eventually have a nude shot that would be screen-grabbed and we'd all be on our merry ways.  Now we learn he's an assassin or a monster (anyone else getting a werewolf vibe from him?), and we have to ask-does Cordelia know?  What's his game plan?  Is he working for Marie?  For the Witches Council?  Oliver Thredson?!?

Also, in the man candy department, and we'll end here because there are three dead women asking for brain candy at the door, but what's the deal with Patti LuPone's hot son?  Is the relationship with Nan just a sweet thing or is Nan luring him in with her powers as the next Supreme (remember that Jessica Lange was able to lure men-perhaps it was just overkill that she looks like Jessica Lange)?  Speculate on this (or anything from the episode) in the comments!

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