Saturday, October 26, 2013

American Horror Story: Boy Parts (#3.2)

Yes, I'm aware I'm a week late on this and should probably just skip ahead to our third episode (which I'm also a bit late on), but I'm a completist and considering how many people watch this show on DVR, I'm guessing a few of you just watched our second episode of the new season.  I was a little nervous after the first episode that I was going to have to meddle through a season that I didn't particularly enjoy, but this episode gave me a lot to hope for, even if we aren't quite at the genius of Murder House or Asylum quite yet.

The best development of this episode didn't revolve around any of the four Oscar-nominated actresses, but instead around one who has had to endure two seasons of this series as a murderous mother and a murderous nun-Lily Rabe's Misty Day has oddly become my favorite character of the season.  I was mesmerized by the opening scene, where she attacks those two alligator hunters while Stevie Nicks plays in the background (anyone think she's due for a cameo at some point this season considering her prominence in last night's episode?).  Later in the episode, when she decided to start helping Kyle (wanted to call him Tate-it might take a few episodes on that one), it dawned on me why I liked her.  In the same way that Lana became the soul of last season because she truly wanted to do some good (though she had greed and ambition in her bones, she still was the oddly right compass of Asylum), I'm hoping that Misty becomes that for this season.  Or, you know, you all are laughing at me because she's the surprise early death of this season.  Either way, I loved the respite we got from the horrors this episode during her scene with Farmiga and Peters.

Jessica Lange continues to be good, though I wish she would have given a little bit more information in her scene with Angela Bassett.  For starters, what was the war that was going on between Lange and Bassett's characters?  I gather that they are both witches, but different "kinds" of witches, and therefore hate each other?  Either way, I think that Lange's Fiona is going to go without immortality this season, but you just know that at least one person (likely Farmiga) is going to suffer from it.  Finally, on the other end of the good this episode, I really liked the strong steps we've made with Bates's character, who was acting to the hilt in the last episode but mellowed considerably this episode, especially in that funny final scene (though I'm confused about the extents of Bates's powers right now).

I'm still quite leery on our main teenage females, though.  Roberts casual disregard for all human life is a bit odd for someone so young, even if she's vapid and playing Lindsay Lohan as a witch (we all know it, it's about time someone just said it).  Every other character seems to have a motive in the show-Fiona's evil is out of self-interest, Madame Delphine loves her children, and Marie loves her minotaur-man, but Madison is just selfish.  I get that there are people in the world who are like this, but they aren't interesting.

Neither is whiny and stupid, which is what Zoe is turning into at the moment.  I also get that in real life people aren't as interesting or ambitious as Fiona, but Zoe is a little too bland and scattered for my tastes.  I hated the scene where she spilled all of the beans to the police officers-seriously, who does that?  If we all found out we were wizards or witches tomorrow, the one thing we'd make sure not to do is go around yelling and telling about it.  I'm hoping that with Misty as something of a role model we'll see her blossom a bit, because I am more onboard with Gabby Sidibe and Jamie Brewer's teens at the moment, and I have a sneaking suspicion we're about to lose one of them (there's always an early death on AHS).

What were your thoughts?  I'm about to go watch the third episode to figure out what happens, but do you have a favorite character yet?  Are you also wondering why Frances Conroy and Denis O'Hare got credit billing and Angela Bassett didn't?  When the hell is Patti LuPone going to show up?  Share in the comments!

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