Monday, September 16, 2013

Creative Arts Emmy Winners...

Sorry for the couple day absence-I've been trying to juggle about sixteen different balls (...a metaphor, not a euphemism) for the past few days and have apparently dropped a couple.  We'll be back with our regularly scheduled politics, movies, and other such loveliness tomorrow evening, but tonight I just wanted to quickly chime in on a few of my favorite wins from yesterday's Creative Arts Emmy Awards.

I know the big winner of the night was clearly and deservedly Bob Newhart (speaking of the Kennedy Center Honors, shouldn't they have thought of him by now?), and so I'll lead with him, even though the next win got me more excited.  The guest categories occasionally seem a tad indulgent at the Emmy Awards (there are, by my count, at least seventeen different categories that reward actors at the primetime Emmy Awards alone, and that's not counting if they shuffle over and produce their work), but at least they're using the category for good when they reward Newhart for his befuddled former TV scientist on The Big Bang Theory, and by proxy, a lifetime of excellent television comedy.

But for me, and perhaps only for myself and the wonderful actress, there's no getting around how divine it is that Melissa Leo now has an Emmy to go right next to her Oscar (God bless you Louis CK for hiring my beloved).  Melissa Leo is one of my favorite performers right now (I get visibly gleeful when I find out she's in a movie I'm watching), and anyone who can find a video of her actually accepting this award gets my eternal love and devotion.

Carrie Preston, another incredibly talented character actress also pulled off a victory, in her case for a guest spot on The Good Wife (a show I've never watched, but I've heard is better than it looks, considering the procedural angle and the CBS-branding), so well-done to her.  Does she have a fairly recurring role on that show (or True Blood)?  If not, could someone figure out a way for her to get her own series?  Perhaps a buddy comedy with Melissa Leo (OMG-someone make this happen!)

And we'll end with another fab actress (who could be Preston and Leo's boss on the buddy comedy...just saying), Ms. Lily Tomlin.  While Tomlin has never landed that Oscar, she has a mountain of Emmys, so this doesn't carry quite the same weight as the first-time luck for Bob, Melissa, and Carrie, but Lily Tomlin is a treasure, so I needed to recognize her.  And perhaps, someday, maybe Oscar or the Kennedy Center Honors will too?

What was your favorite win of the evening?  Are you looking forward to this Sunday?  And would you watch a Leo/Preston/Tomlin sitcom?  Share in the comments!

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