Wednesday, April 10, 2013

...And That Makes 54!

Sorry I've been a bit lapsed this week in my posting-I've been having a crazy busy week and trying to be all things to all people, which typically means you're few things to few people, and that's sadly the case here.  I will, however, be amping up blog-posting full throttle in the new few days, with reviews of three films still in theaters, another OVP movie (our last of 2010!), some official OVP ballots, more film reviews, the weekly rant, and if I can figure out what's wrong with my Comcast box, a Glee recap!!!

In the meantime, I'd be remiss if I didn't update our countdown of the senators supporting gay marriage, and show that yes, it is now at 54 with Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) being the latest to come out for marital equality.  It will be interesting to see if the two high profile Democratic politicians rumored to be running for his seat (his son, U.S. Attorney Brendan Johnson and former Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin) follow suit.  With his change of position, that leaves just three Democratic senators left who have not come out in support of gay marriage: Mary Landrieu (LA), Mark Pryor (AR), and Joe Manchin (WV).  As has been mentioned before, I suspect that Landrieu or Pryor would come out before Manchin, but my gut is telling me the next one will be Lisa Murkowski.  Stay tuned...

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