Thursday, March 28, 2013

Senate Story Updates

Well, that didn't take long.  Two of the most recent posts have updates to share!

Proving that my Top Ten skills need some work, it was the Number Six seed, Sen. Kay Hagan, who became the latest senator to endorse gay marriage.  Sen. Hagan's decision has qute a bit of political bravery behind it-North Carolina rather decidedly passed a gay marriage ban a couple of years ago, and there is definitely a possibility that the senator could lose some votes next year in her re-election bid as a result.  So, for those who always complain about wanting a politician that puts principle before politics, look no further.

And in other Senate related news, Ashley Judd has passed on her rumored Senate bid.  As I pointed out previously, this is probably for the best, as it seems we'll have the best Democratic candidate that we could possibly recruit to this race, as Alison Lundergan Grimes appears to be strongly interested in a run.

And that's it-it's been a busy poltiical week!

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