Sunday, January 20, 2013

American Horror Story: Continuum (#2.12)

So, we have almost come to an end of the season-just one episode left, and we lose yet another of our main characters this week.  This is Briarcliff, and the 1960's are about to be over, and so is our run in the crazy world of Season 2 of AHS.

This week, we saw first the rather polyamorous world of Kit Walker, whose tendency to help out the women in his life at all costs seems to have pushed him into an episode of Sister Wives.  We saw that Grace, years later, is still obsessed with the aliens, and that Alma, while unusually understanding, is petrified of the abductors returning, and doesn't seem 100% happy about being the other woman in her own marriage.  As the episode progressed, we saw Kit try on a number of hairstyles (the mutton chops-solid) and suddenly find himself going from two wives to none, with Alma taking an ax to Grace, and then finding herself in Briarcliff (making her the last major character to be an asylum holdout).

Alma isn't the only person still at Briarcliff, of course-as we know, and everyone else is about to know, Sister Jude, now under an alias, is still at Briarcliff, and as we go along with the episode, we learn she has truly gone mad.  Despite us seeing that the Monsignor promised Sister Jude she would get to leave (and we got to see Pepper and Sister Jude play Candy Land in a rather funny scene), this was all in Sister Jude's imagination.  In fact, the Monsignor left years earlier to become a Cardinal, Pepper has died, and Sister Jude has truly gone over the deep end, and will likely never get to leave Briarcliff.

This is because Lana, our once trusted journalist, has caught the celebrity buzz.  We get to see her encounter her personal demons through the lies that she wove amidst the truth of her book (Oliver Thredson's actions become more sadistic through her pen, whom I don't feel remotely sorry for, obviously, and the poor forgotten Wendy, who is relegated to being Lana's roommate, though again, this is the 1960's, so this has to be a little forgiven).  Overall, I didn't feel horrible about Lana letting the celebrity go to her head (considering what she's been through, some happiness is not out of the question).  What I found abominable, however, was her complete disregard for Sister Jude.  Sister Jude could have just as easily tried to get herself out of Briarcliff, rather than Lana, and without Sister Jude she would still be rotting in that cell.  Even if Sister Jude did indeed put her there, the fact that she had a personal revelation should be appreciated, and Lana should have been able to see that her newfound fame and influence could be used for good.  After finding out that Alma also died in Briarcliff, we see Lana apologize to Kit, and then leave his life, presumably forever.

In what really was a huge lead-up episode (hence why I'm finding it a bit tough to fill this review, as it's shorter than usual), the other really great tease for next week was Dylan McDermott making another appearance, and we learn a bit more about his history with his mother.  She apparently wrote him off as dead in her book (another lie), and we learn that she became a best-selling and celebrated writer of the In Cold Blood/Capote sort.  We also see Bloody Face, Jr. is out for blood-trying to finish his father's work.  We'll find out his success rate next week.

So that's my thoughts-I know Ryan Murphy has leaked a bunch of spoilers, so keep the comments spoiler-free, but do you think that we'll see the fates of Kit, Lana, Jude, and the Monsignor?  Does the Monsignor become Pope?  Will Kit finally find the reason behind the alien abductions?  Will Lana and Bloody Face Jr. (Johnny) have their showdown?  And will Sister Jude ever leave Briarcliff?  We have one more episode to find out!

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